

This issue contains many surprises
both for me and for the
reader. First, I am delighted to introduce TAS readers to two writers that have
not written for us before. Arnold Simon writes to us about the trouble with
remakes in movies, Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho in particular. I wonder why remakes are made at all: can’t
appreciate the classics without updating them and using more contemporary
actors and sets? And Bill Stewart, who deals in beauty everyday as an interior
designer, writes about his love of classic cars. I find the contrasts and
considerations of these two articles fascinating; each examines the idea of
“the classic” in two very different mediums.
My own article is about the sculptor Ursula
von Rydingsvaard
whose work I have greatly admired for many years. I had not seen her work here
in Atlanta, although the High Museum currently owns two of her drawings and a
medium-sized relief sculpture from 1994, titled Five-Fingered
Comb, a wonderful work whose form has seven finger
shaped teeth that would hold back a giant's hair. So whether it be your classic car, original movie, or tool, it is important to see beauty where you find it. All my best, Deanna

Deanna Sirlin is an artist and writer based outside of Atlanta,Georgia. She is Editor-in-Chief of TAS. www.deannasirlin.com Images
above, from left to right: Scene from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho © Universal Studios Ursula Von Rydingsvard,
Five-Fingered Comb, 1994. Collection: High Museum of Art. Courtesy of the Artist.
The Chrome Laden 1958 Buick

