Sarah Sze
(American, born 1969) Book of Parts (Centennial), 2012,mixed media, metal shelves, wood, lights, plaster, felt,
string High Museum of Art Commission, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York. Photo: Mike Jensen. (all photos this page)
Sarah Sze's Book of Parts
(Centennial) at the High Museum of Art
Photographed by Mike Jensen
Sarah Sze, who will represent the
United States at the upcoming Venice Biennale, recently installed a new piece at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. Readers
of The Art Section may be interested in seeing this work, especially as photographed
by Mike Jensen. We asked Mike to talk briefly about his experience photographing Sze's work for the museum and present a selection
of his images of Sze's Book of Parts (Milennium). Other work by Mike Jensen can be seen by clicking on the Editions
link above.

I met Sarah Sze and her staff for the first time a few days before I was scheduled to photograph her new installation
at the High Museum of Art. I was working in the next gallery and stepped into the cordoned off area where the installation
was taking shape to get a closer look and take a few test shots. I had been told they didn't want any additional lighting
used, and I wanted to see if the brightly lit areas were going to create excessive contrast. Michael Rooks, the High's Curator
of Modern and Contemporary Art Curator, approached and told me they preferred to not have photos taken while the installation
was in progress. He then introduced me to Sarah and her group, and after a few minutes discussing their very specific parameters
for the photography, it was clear their ideas were very much in line with mine, and I was able to capture the perspective
of their test shots and get beautiful illumination from the available light. Mike Jensen
