

The Art Section is very pleased to
welcome two new writers to the summer
issue, which you will have two months to linger over and, I trust,
enjoy. I met Jorn Ake, a poet, photographer, and bicyclist
extraordinaire, when he
was a senior at the College Of William and Mary where he worked for me in the gallery. I so enjoyed his spirit and
mind then, and continue to now as we reconnected by chance over twenty
years later. As a poet, Jorn has published three books and I'm sure
he's working on another as I type these words. Listen to him read his
poem "Boys Whistling Like Canaries" and read the text at the same time,
if you wish, to savor his rhythm and art. Stephanie Buhmann has
brought back to my attention the painter Hedda Sterne, that woman we all
want to recognize that from the famous group portrait of the Ab Exes
photographed by Nina Leen for Life Magazine in 1950. Hedda Sterne lived a
long, productive life, much of it married to Saul Steinberg, the well
known New Yorker illustrator. She died this past April at the age of
100. It was my extreme pleasure to meet the artist Joan Synder
whose work is an endless reflection on summertime, when
nature is at the height of her power. Synder is making some of her most
important work now, so perhaps this is the summertime of her artistic
oeuvre. Thank you artists, writers, poets, and readers. Hope your summer is wonderful .
All my best,
Art Section

Deanna Sirlin is an artist.
Images above, from left to right:
Jorn Ake, Portrait of the Artist.
© www.sportograf.com. Joan Snyder's studio (2011). Photo: Deanna Sirlin. Hedda Sterne, Further
I (1985). Courtesy of CDS Gallery, NY.

