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Roger Copeland, Still from The Unrecovered, 2007.

An Online Journal of Art and Cultural Commentary


The Art Section, is pleased to announce our first sponsored event in Atlanta: Endless Pleasure, an exhibition by Andrew Hewish. Click here for details.

In this issue:

Introduction to the Issue by Deanna Sirlin

The Unrecovered: A Film by Roger Copeland

Two Perspectives on the São Paulo Bienal, from Deanna Sirlin and Christina Roiter

"The History of Rock Music in the 1970s, Or, Whatever Happened to Glam?" by Philip Auslander

Just click on any of the titles or Features above and enjoy!

We welcome your feedback and submissions. Please use the Contact link above.

The Art Section
February 2008
(Volume II, Number 2)

Deanna Sirlin
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Philip Auslander


Funding for this publication is provided by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners under the Guidance of the Fulton County Arts Council, Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia.

Logo for The Art Section designed by David Dalessandro

(C) 2007 - 2008 The Art Section
The content of this web site is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America and international copyright laws and agreements. All written and visual materials published at this web site may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission from the copyright holder.

ISSN 1939-358X