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Vol I, No. 1 (June 2007)

George Hornbein, "A New Museum for Denver"

Giuseppe Gavazza, "The Contemporaneity of Music"

Philip Auslander, "The Artist's Presentation of Self: Annie Leibovitz at the High Museum"

Vol. I, No. 2 (July 2007)

A video essay on the 52nd Venice Biennale by artist Daniele Frison

Composer Giuseppe Gavazza on sound at the Venice Biennale

Art Historian Shepherd Steiner on curation at Documenta XII

Cultural Critic Philip Auslander on Skulptur Projekte Münster 07

Vol. I, No. 3 (August 2007)

Cultural Critic Philip Auslander visits the NEW World of Coca-Cola

Artist and Critic John Perreault on a New Paradigm for Art

Artist and Writer Deanna Sirlin's notes on this Summer's Art in Europe

Vol I, No. 4 (September 2007)

Introduction to the Special Issue, by Deanna Sirlin

Scoreless, audio works by Giuseppe Gavazza

"The Sound and the Theory: Intermedia as Construct, Intermedia as Category" by Peter Frank

Poems from the Cuba Libre Series by David Schuster